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Словарь американских идиом
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Словарь американских идиом 8000 единиц - Letter K.

[kangaroo court] {n.} A self-appointed group that decides what to
do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong. * /The Chicago mob
held a kangaroo court and shot the gangster who competed with Al

[keel] See: ON AN EVEN KEEL.

[keel over] {v.} 1. To turn upside down; tip over; overturn. -
Usually refers to a boat. * /The strong wind made the sailboat keel
over and the passengers fell into the water./ 2. {informal} To fall
over in a faint; taint. * /It was so hot during the assembly program
that two girls who were standing on the stage keeled over./ * /When
the principal told the girl her father died, she keeled right over./

[keen about] or [on] {adj. phr.} Very enthusiastic about someone or
something. * /It is well known that Queen Elizabeth is keen on

[keep abreast (of) someone] or [something] {v. phr.} To be informed
of the latest developments. * /It is difficult to keep abreast of all
the various wars that are being waged on planet Earth./ Compare: KEEP

[keep a civil tongue in one's head] {v. phr.} To be polite in
speaking. * /He was very angry with his boss, but he kept a civil
tongue in his head./ * /The bus driver began yelling at the woman and
she told him to keep a civil tongue in his head./

[keep a close check on] See: KEEP TAB(S) ON.

[keep after] {v.}, {informal} To speak to (someone) about something
again and again; remind over and over again. * /Some pupils will do
sloppy work unless the teacher keeps after them to write neatly./ *
/Sue's mother had to keep after her to clean her bedroom./

[keep an ear to the ground] See: EAR TO THE GROUND.

[keep an eye on] or [keep one's eye on] or [have one's eye on] {v.
phr.} 1. To watch carefully; not stop paying attention to. * /Keep an
eye on the stove in case the coffee boils./ * /You must keep your eye
on the ball when you play tennis./ * /A good driver keeps his eye on
the road./ * /The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was
cheating./ * /Billy keeps a jealous eye on his toys./ * /The lion
tamer keeps a sharp eye on the lions when he is in the cage./ Compare:
LOOK OUT, LOOK OVER. 2. To watch and do what is needed for; mind. *
/Mother told Jane to keep an eye on the baby while she was in the
store./ * /Mr. Brown told John to keep an eye on the store while he
was out./ Syn.: TAKE CARE OF(1).

[keep an eye open] or [keep an eye out for] See: KEEP AN EYE ON.

[keep an eye out] See: EYE OUT.

[keep a stiff upper lip] {v. phr.} To be brave; face trouble
bravely. * /He was very much worried about his sick daughter, but he
kept a stiff upper lip./ * /Although he was having some trouble with
the engine, the pilot kept a stiff upper lip and landed the plane
safely./ Compare: KEEP ONE'S CHIN UP.

[keep a straight face] See: STRAIGHT FACE, DEADPAN.

[keep at] {v.} To continue to do; go on with. * /Mary kept at her
homework until she finished it./ Compare: KEEP ON(1), KEEP UP(1b).

[keep away] {v. phr.} To remain at a distance from. * /Her mother
advised Diane to keep away from men offering a ride./

[keep back] {v. phr.} To refrain or be restrained from entering;
remain back. * /The police had a hard time keeping back the crowd when
the astronauts came to town after walking on the moon./

[keep body and soul together] {v. phr.} To keep alive; survive. *
/John was unemployed most of the year and hardly made enough money to
keep body and soul together./ Compare: KEEP THE WOLF FROM THE DOOR.

[keep books] {v. phr.} To keep records of money gained and spent;
do the work of a bookkeeper. * /Miss Jones keeps the company's books./

[keep company] {v. phr.} 1. To stay or go along with (someone) so
that he will not be lonely to visit with (someone). * /John kept Andy
company while his parents went to the movies./ * /I'll go shopping
with you just to keep you company./ 2. To go places together as a
couple; date just one person. * /After keeping company for one year,
Mary and John decided to marry./ * /Who is Bill keeping company with
now?/ Compare: GO STEADY.

[keep cool] {v. phr.} Remain calm; remain unexcited. * /The main
thing to remember in an emergency situation is to not lose one's head
and keep cool./

[keep down] {v.} Keep from progressing or growing; keep within
limits; control. * /The children could not keep their voices down./ *
/We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds./ * /You can't keep a good
man down./ Compare: GET AHEAD.

[keeper] See: FINDERS KEEPERS.

[keep from] {v.}, {informal} To hold yourself back from; stop or
prevent yourself from (doing something). * /Can you keep from
repeating gossip?/ * /Jill can't keep from talking about her trip./ -
Usually used with "can" in the negative. * /You can't keep from liking
Jim./ Compare: CAN HELP.

[keep good time] See: KEEP TIME.

[keep house(1)] {v. phr.} To do the necessary things in a
household; do the cooking and cleaning. * /Since their mother died,
Mary and her brother keep house for their father./

[keep house(2)] also [play house] {v. phr.}, {informal} To live
together without being married. * /Bob and Nancy keep house these


[keep in mind] See: IN MIND.

[keep in touch with] {v. phr.} To remain in communication with;
maintain contact with. * /Don't forget to keep in touch, either by
letter or phone, when you're in Europe!/

[keep late hours] {v. phr.} To go to bed late; habitually stay up
(and work) late. * /"If you always keep such late hours, your health
might suffer," Tom's doctor said./

[keep off] {v. phr.} To refrain from entering; stay away from. *
/"Keep off the grass," the sign in the park indicated./

[keep on] {v.} 1. To go ahead; not stop; continue. * /The neighbors
asked them to stop making noise, but they kept right on./ * /Columbus
kept on until he saw land./ - Often used before a present participle.
* /Relentlessly, the boy kept on asking about the birds and the bees./
* /The boy kept on talking even though the teacher had asked him to
stop./ Syn.: GO ON. Compare: KEEP AT, KEEP UP. 2. To allow to continue
working for you. * /The new owner kept Fred on as gardener./

[keep one at a distance] or [keep one at arm's length] {v. phr.} To
avoid (someone's) company; not become too friendly toward. * /Mr.
Smith is kind to the workers in his store but after work he keeps them
at a distance./ * /Betty likes Bill and is trying to be friendly, but
he keeps her at arm's length./ Compare: KEEP ONE'S DISTANCE, HOLD

[keep (one) posted] {v. phr.} To receive current information;
inform oneself. * /My associates phoned me every day and kept me
posted on new developments in our business./

[keep one's balance] {v. phr.} To stay even-tempered; not become
overexcited. * /Mike has the best personality to run our office; he
always keeps his balance./ Contrast: LOSE ONE'S BALANCE.

[keep one's chin up] {v. phr.} To be brave; be determined; face
trouble with courage. * /He didn't think that he would ever get out of
the jungle alive, but he kept his chin up./ Compare: KEEP A STIFF

[keep one's distance] {v. phr.} To be cool toward someone; avoid
being friendly. * /Mary did not like her co-worker, Betty, and kept
her distance from her./ Compare: KEEP ONE AT A DISTANCE.

[keep one's end up] See: HOLD ONE'S END UP.

[keep one's eye on] See: KEEP AN EYE ON.

[keep one's eye on the ball] {v. phr.} 1. To watch the ball at all
times in a sport, usually in order to hit it or get it; not stop
watching the ball. * /Keep your eye on the baseball or you won't be
able to hit it./ 2. {informal} To be watchful and ready; be wide-awake
and ready to win or succeed; be smart. * /Tom is just starting on the
job but if he keeps his eye on the ball, he will be promoted./

[keep one's eyes open] See: EYES OPEN.

[keep one's eyes peeled] or [keep one's eyes skinned] {v. phr.},
{informal} To watch carefully; be always looking. * /The bird-watcher
kept his eyes peeled for bluebirds./ * /When the boys walked through
the roads, they kept their eyes skinned for snakes./ Compare: EYES

[keep one's feet] {v. phr.} To keep from falling or slipping down;
keep your balance; remain standing. * /The boy stumbled on the stairs
but was able to keep his feet./ Compare: REGAIN ONE'S FEET.

[keep one's feet on the ground] See: FEET ON THE GROUND.

[keep one's fingers crossed] See: CROSS ONE'S FINGERS(1b).

[keep one's hand in] {v. phr.} To keep in practice; continue to
take part. * /After he retired from teaching, Mr. Brown kept his hand
in by giving a lecture once in a while./ * /Mr. Smith left the
planning of the trip to his wife, but he kept his hand in, too./
Compare: KEEP UP.

[keep one's head] also [keep one's wits about one] {v. phr.} To
stay calm when there is trouble or danger. * /When Tim heard the fire
alarm he kept his head and looked for the nearest exit./ Compare:

[keep one's head above water] {v. phr.} To remain solvent; manage
to stay out of debt. * /Herb's income declined so drastically that he
now has difficulty keeping his head above water./

[keep one's mouth shut] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be or stay silent.
- A rude expression when used as a command. * /When the crooks were
captured by the police, their leader warned them to keep their mouths
shut./ * /Charles began to tell Barry how to kick the ball, and Barry
said angrily, "Keep your mouth shut!"/ Syn.: SHUT UP(1).

[keep one's nose clean] {v. phr.}, {slang} To stay out of trouble;
do only what you should do. * /The boss said Jim could have the job as
long as he kept his nose clean and worked hard./ * /The policeman
warned the boys to keep their noses clean unless they wanted to go to
jail./ Compare: STEER CLEAR OF(2).

[keep one's nose to the grindstone] or [have one's nose to the
grindstone] or [hold one's nose to the grindstone] {v. phr.},
{informal} To work hard all the time; keep busy with boring or
tiresome work. * /Sarah keeps her nose to the grindstone and saves as
much as possible to start her own business./

[keep one's own counsel] {v. phr.}, {formal} To keep your ideas and
plans to yourself. * /John listened to what everyone had to say in the
discussion, but he kept his own counsel./ * /Although everybody gave
Mrs. O'Connor advice about what to do with her house, she kept her own

[keep one's shirt on] {v. phr.}, {slang} To calm down; keep from
losing your temper or getting impatient or excited. * /Bob got very
angry when John accidentally bumped into him, but John told him to
keep his shirt on./ - Usually used as a command; may be considered
impolite. * /John said to Bob, "Keep your shirt on."/ Contrast: GET

[keep one's temper] See: HOLD ONE'S TEMPER.

[keep one's weather eye open] See: WEATHER EYE.

[keep one's wits about one] See: KEEP ONE'S HEAD.

[keep one's word] {v. phr.} To do what one has promised; fulfill
one's promise. * /Paul kept his word and paid me the $250 that he owed
me right on time./

[keep on the good side of] See: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE.

[keep open house] {v. phr.} To offer hospitality and entertain
those who come at any given time on a certain day or afternoon. *
/Beth and Charlie have a cottage by the lake where they keep open
house on Saturday afternoons during the summer./

[keep out (of)] {v. phr.} 1. To stay out; remain out of. * /The
sign on the fence said, "Danger! Keep out!"/ 2. To stave off; not
allow in. * /The border patrol near El Paso, Texas, is trying to keep
illegal immigrants out of the United States./

[keep pace] {v. phr.} To go as fast; go at the same rate; not get
behind. * /When they go for a walk, Johnny has to take long steps to
keep pace with his father./ * /When Billy was moved to a more advanced
class, he had to work hard to keep pace./ Compare: KEEP UP(2a).

[keep plugging along] {v. phr.}, {informal} To continue to work
diligently and with great effort, often against hardship. * /Bob was
not particularly talented but he kept plugging along year after year,
and eventually became vice president./

[keeps] See: FOR KEEPS.

[keep step with] {v. phr.} To maintain the same degree of progress
as someone else. * /The United States has no choice but to keep step
with potential enemies in terms of modern defense systems./

[keep tab on] or [keep tabs on] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To keep a
record of. * /The government tries to keep tabs on all the animals in
the park./ 2. To keep a watch on; check. * /The house mother kept tabs
on the girls to be sure they were clean and neat./ Compare: KEEP TRACK

[keep the ball rolling] {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep up an
activity or action; not allow something that is happening to slow or
stop. * /Clyde kept the ball rolling at the party by dancing with a
lamp shade on his head./ Compare: GET THE BALL ROLLING.

[keep the faith] {v. phr.} To not abandon hope; stay committed to
the cause of democracy and racial equality. * /"Keep the faith, Baby,"
my neighbor said as he raised his fingers to show the "V" for victory

[keep the home fires burning] {v. phr.} To keep things going as
usual while someone is away; wait at home to welcome someone back. *
/While John was in the army, Mary kept the home fires burning./

[keep the wolf (wolves) from the door] {v. phr.} To avoid hunger,
poverty, and/or creditors. * /"I don't like my job," Mike complained,
"but I must do something to keep the wolves from the door."/ Compare:

[keep things humming] {v. phr.} To cause thing to perform smoothly
and efficiently. * /Until Mr. Long joined our computer center, we had
all sorts of problems, but he has corrected them and really keeps
things humming./

[keep time] {v. phr.} 1. To show the right time. * /My watch has
not kept good time since I dropped it./ 2. To keep the beat; keep the
same rhythm; keep in step. * /Many people are surprised at how well
deaf people keep time with the music when they dance./

[keep to oneself] See: TO ONESELF(2).

[keep track] {v. phr.} To know about changes; stay informed or
up-to-date; keep a count or record. * /What day of the week is it? I
can't keep track./ - Usually used with "of". * /Mr. Stevens kept track
of his business by telephone when he was in the hospital./ * /The
farmer has so many chickens, he can hardly keep track of them all./
Compare: IN TOUCH, KEEP UP(3). Contrast: LOSE TRACK.

[keep under one's hat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep secret; not
tell. * /Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under
his hat until it was announced publicly./ - Often used as a command. *
/Keep it under your hat./ Syn.: KEEP TO ONESELF.

[keep up] {v.} 1a. To go on; not stop; continue. * /The rain kept
up for two days and the roads were flooded./ Compare: KEEP ON. 1b. To
go on with (something); continue steadily; never stop. * /Mrs. Smith
told John to keep up the good work./ * /The teacher asked Dick to stop
bothering Mary, but he kept it up./ Compare: KEEP AT. 2a. To go at the
same rate as others. * /John had to work hard to keep up./ * /Billy
was the youngest boy on the hike, but he kept up with the others./
2b. To keep (something) at the same level or rate or in good
condition. * /The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up./ *
/Grandfather was too poor to keep up his house./ 3. To keep informed.
- Usually used with "on" or "with". * /Mary is interested in politics
and always keeps up with the news./ Compare: KEEP TRACK.

[keep up appearances] {v. phr.} To maintain an outward show of
prosperity in spite of financial problems. * /Mr. Smith's widow had a
hard time keeping up appearances after her husband's death./

[keep up one's end] See: HOLD ONE'S END UP.

[keep up with] See: KEEP STEP WITH, KEEP ABREAST OF.

[keep up with the Joneses] {v. phr.} To follow the latest fashion;
try to be equal with your neighbors. * /Mrs. Smith kept buying every
new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop
trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start thinking for herself./

[keep watch] {v. phr.} To be vigilant; be alert; guard. * /The
police have asked the neighborhood to keep watch against an escaped

[keep your fingers crossed] See: CROSS ONE'S FINGERS.


[kettle of fish] {v. phr.}, {informal} Something to be considered;
how things are; a happening; business. * /I thought he needed money,
but it was another kettle of fish - his car had disappeared./ -
Usually used with "pretty", "fine", "nice", but meaning bad trouble. *
/He had two flat tires and no spare on a country road at night, which
was certainly a pretty kettle of fish./ * /This is a fine kettle of
fish! I forgot my book./ Compare: CUP OP TEA(2).

[key] See: LOW KEY, OFF-KEY.

[keyed up] {adj.}, {informal} Excited; nervous; anxious to do
something. * /Mary was all keyed up about the exam./ * /Mother would
not let Tom read a ghost story at bedtime; she said it would get him
keyed up./

[kick about] See: KICK AROUND(3).

[kick against the pricks] {v. phr.}, {literary} To fight against
rules or authority in a way that just hurts yourself. * /Johnny kicked
against the pricks in his foster home until he learned that he could
trust his new family./

[kick around] {v.}, {informal} 1. To act roughly or badly to; treat
badly; bully. * /John likes to kick around the little boys./ * /Mr.
Jones is always kicking his dog around./ Syn.: PUSH AROUND. 2. To lie
around or in a place; be treated carelessly; be neglected. * /This old
coat has been kicking around the closet for years./ * /The letter
kicked around on my desk for days./ 3. {slang} To talk easily or
carelessly back and forth about; examine in a careless or easy-going
way. * /Bob and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was
hot and we were too lazy./ Compare: TRY OUT, TALK OVER. 4. To move
about often; go from one job or place to another; become experienced.
* /Harry has kicked around all over the world as a merchant seaman./

[kick back] {v.}, {slang}, {informal} To pay money illegally for
favorable contract arrangements. * /I will do it if you kick back a
few hundred for my firm./

[kickback] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} Money paid illegally for
favorable treatment. * /He was arrested for making kickback payments./

[kick down] {v. phr.}, {slang} To shift an automobile, jeep, or
truck into lower gear by hand-shifting. * /Joe kicked the jeep down
from third to second, and we slowed down./

[kick in] See: CHIP IN.

[kick in the pants] or [kick in the teeth] {n. phr.}, {informal}
Unexpected scorn or insult when praise was expected; rejection. *
/Mary worked hard to clean up John's room, but all she got for her
trouble was a kick in the teeth./ Compare: SLAP IN THE FACE.

[kick it] {v. phr.}, {slang} To end a bad or unwanted habit such as
drinking, smoking, or drug addiction. * /Farnsworth finally kicked it;
he's in good shape./

[kickoff] {n.} The start of something, like a new venture, a
business, a sports event, or a concert season. * /Beethoven's Ninth
will be the kickoff for this summer season at Ravinia./

[kick off] {v. phr.} 1. To make the kick that begins a football
game. * /John kicked off and the football game started./ 2. {informal}
To begin; launch; start. * /The candidate kicked off his campaign with
a speech on television./ * /The fund raising drive was kicked off with
a theater party./ 3. {slang} To die. * /Mr. Jones was almost ninety
years old when he kicked off./ Syn.: KICK THE BUCKET.

[kick oneself] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be sorry or ashamed;
regret. * /When John missed the train, he kicked himself for not
having left earlier./ * /Mary could have kicked herself for letting
the secret out before it was announced officially./

[kick out] or [boot out] {v.}, {informal} To make (someone) go or
leave; get rid of; dismiss. * /The boys made so much noise at the
movie that the manager kicked them out./ * /The chief of police was
booted out of office because he was a crook./ Syn.: THROW OUT(3).

[kick over] {v.} 1. Of a motor: To begin to work. * /He had not
used his car for two months and when he tried to start it, the motor
would not kick over./ 2. {slang} To pay; contribute. * /The gang
forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $5 a week./ 3.
{slang} To die. * /Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over this morning./

[kick over the traces] also [jump the traces] {v. phr.} To break
the rules; behave badly. * /When their teacher was absent and they had
a substitute, the children kicked over the traces./ Compare: ACT UP,

[kick the bucket] {v. phr.}, {slang} To die. * /Old Mr. Jones
kicked the bucket just two days before his ninety-fourth birthday./
Compare: KICK OFF(3).

[kick up] {v.}, {informal} To show signs of not working right. *
/John had had too much to eat and his stomach started to kick up./ *
/After working well for a year the air conditioner suddenly started
kicking up./

[kick up a fuss] or [kick up a row] or [raise a row] also [kick up
a dust] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble; make a disturbance. *
/When the teacher gave the class five more hours of homework, the
class kicked up a fuss./ * /When the teacher left the room, two boys
kicked up a row./ Compare: RAISE CAIN, RAISE THE ROOF.

[kick up one's heels] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have a merry time;
celebrate. * /When exams were over the students went to town to kick
up their heels./ * /Mary was usually very quiet but at the farewell
party she kicked up her heels and had a wonderful time./


[kiddie car] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} A school
bus. * /Watch out for that kiddie car coming up behind you!/


[kill off] {v.} To kill or end completely; destroy. * /The factory
dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish./ *
/The president suggested a new law to Congress but many members of
Congress were against the idea and they killed it off./ * /Mother made
Nancy practice her dancing an hour every day; Nancy got tired of
dancing and that killed off her interest./

[kill the goose that laid the golden egg] To spoil something that
is good or something that you have, by being greedy. - A proverb. *
/Mrs. Jones gives you an apple from her tree whenever you go by her
house, but don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg by bothering
her too much./

[kill time] {v. phr.} To cause the time to pass more rapidly; waste
time. * /The plane trip to Hong Kong was long and tiring, but we
managed to kill time by watching several movies./

[kill two birds with one stone] {v. phr.} To succeed in doing two
things by only one action; get two results from one effort. * /Mother
stopped at the supermarket to buy bread and then went to get Jane at
dancing class; she killed two birds with one stone./ * /The history
teacher told us that making an outline kills two birds with one stone;
it makes us study the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us
notes to review before the test./

[kilter] See: OUT OF KILTER.

[kind] See: IN A WAY also IN A KIND OF WAY, IN KIND.

[kindly] See: TAKE KINDLY TO.

[kind of] or [sort of] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Almost but not
quite; rather. * /A guinea pig looks kind of like a rabbit, but it has
short ears./ * /Bob was kind of tired when he finished the job./ *
/The teacher sort of frowned but then smiled./ * /Mary wouldn't tell
what she wanted to be when she grew up; it was sort of a secret./

[kindled spirits] {n. phr.} People who resemble each other in
numerous ways, including their ways of thinking and feeling. * /They
are kindred spirits; they both like to go on long walks in the

[king's ransom] {n. phr.} 1. An excessively large sum of money
extorted by kidnappers to let someone go free. * /The Smith family had
to pay a kings ransom for the freedom of their seven-year-old son,
Tommy./ 2. An exorbitant fee one is forced to pay. * /The realtors
exacted a king's ransom for that choice lot on the comer./

[kiss someone] or [something goodbye] {v. phr.} To lose or give up
someone or something forever. * /"If you won't marry Jane," Peter said
to Tom, "you might as well kiss her goodbye."/ * /People who bet on a
losing horse at the races might as well kiss their money goodbye./

[kite] See: GO FLY A KITE.

[kitten] See: HAVE KITTENS.


[knee-deep] or [neck-deep] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Very much;
deeply; having a big part in. * /Johnny was knee-deep in trouble./ 2.
Very busy; working hard at. * /We were neck-deep in homework before
the exams./ 3. Getting or having many or much. * /The television
station was knee-deep in phone calls./ Compare: UP TO THE CHIN IN.

[knee-high to a grasshopper] also [knee-high to a duck] {adj.
phr.}, {informal} As tall as a very small child; very young. *
/Charles started reading when he was knee-high to a grasshopper./ *
/I've known Mary ever since she was knee-high to a duck./

[kneeling bus] {n.}, {informal} A bus equipped with a hydraulic
device to enable it to drop almost to curb level for greater ease of
boarding and leaving vehicle, as a convenience for elderly or
handicapped passengers. * /The man on crutches was pleased to see the
kneeling bus./

[knell] See: DEATH KNELL.

[knit] See: CLOSE-KNIT.



[knock about] or [knock around] {v.} To travel without a plan; go
where you please. * /After he graduated from college, Joe knocked
about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his
father's business./ Compare: KICK AROUND.

[knock back on one's heels] See: SET BACK ON ONE'S HEELS.

[knock cold] {v. phr.}, {informal} To render unconscious. * /The
blow on the chin knocked Harry cold./

[knock down] {v. phr.} To reduce; lower. * /The realtors said that
if we decided to buy the house, they would knock the price down by

[knocked out] {adj.}, {slang} Intoxicated; drugged; out of one's
mind. * /Jim sounds so incoherent, he must be knocked out./

[knock for a loop] or [throw for a loop] {v. phr.}, {slang} To
surprise very much. * /When I heard they were moving, I was really
knocked for a loop./ * /The news of their marriage threw me for a

[knock it off] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. To stop talking
about something considered not appropriate or nonsensical by the
listener. - Used frequently as an imperative. * /Come on, Joe, knock
it off, you're not making any sense at all!/ 2. To cease doing
something; to quit. - Heavily favored in the imperative. * /Come on
boys, knock it off, you're breaking the furniture in my room!/

[knock off] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To burglarize someone. * /They
knocked off the Manning residence./ 2. To murder someone. * /The
gangsters knocked off Herman./

[knock off one's feet] {v. phr.} To surprise (someone) so much that
he does not know what to do. * /Her husband's death knocked Mrs. Jones
off her feet./ * /When Charlie was given the prize, it knocked him off
his feet for a few minutes./ Compare: BOWL OVER(2), SWEEP OFF ONE'S

[knock one's block off] {v. phr.}, {slang} To hit someone very
hard; beat someone up. * /Stay out of my yard or I'll knock your block
off./ * /Jim will knock your block off if he catches you riding his

[knock oneself out] {v. phr.}, {informal} To work very hard; make a
great effort. * /Mrs. Ross knocked herself out planning her daughter's
wedding./ * /Tom knocked himself out to give his guests a good time./

[knock on wood] {v. phr.} To knock on something made of wood to
keep from having bad luck. - Many people believe that you will have
bad luck if you talk about good luck or brag about something, unless
you knock on wood; often used in a joking way. * /Charles said, "I
haven't been sick all winter." Grandfather said, "You'd better knock
on wood when you say that."/

[knockout] {n.}, {slang} 1. Strikingly beautiful woman. * /Sue is a
regular knockout./ 2. A straight punch in boxing that causes one's
opponent to fall and lose consciousness. * /The champion won the fight
with a straight knockout./

[knock out] {v. phr.} To make helpless, unworkable, or unusable. *
/The champion knocked out the challenger in the third round./ * /The
soldier knocked out two enemy tanks with his bazooka./

[knock over] {v. phr.} To overturn; upset. * /I accidentally
knocked over the Chinese lamp that fell on size floor and broke./

[knock the living daylights out of] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal}
To render (someone) unconscious (said in exaggeration). * /The news
almost knocked the living daylights out of me./

[knock the stuffing out of] See: KNOCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF.


[knotty problem] {n. phr.} A very complicated and difficult problem
to solve. * /Doing one's income tax properly can present a knotty


[know a thing or two about] {v. phr.} To be experienced in; have a
fairly considerable knowledge of. * /Tom has dealt with many foreign
traders; he knows a thing or two about stocks and bonds./

[know enough to come in out of the rain] {v. phr.} To have good
sense; know how to take care of yourself. - Usually used in the
negative. * /Bob does so many foolish things that his mother says he
doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain./ * /Sally may look
stupid, but she knows enough to come in out of the rain./

[know-how] {n.}, {slang} Expertise; ability to devise and
construct. * /The United States had the know-how to beat the Soviet
Union to the moon in 1969./

[know if one is coming or going] or [know whether one is coming or
going] {v. phr.} To feel able to think clearly; know what to do. -
Usually used in the negative or with limiters. * /On Monday, the car
broke down; on Tuesday, Mother broke her arm; on Wednesday, the
children all became ill with the mumps; by Thursday, poor Father
didn't know if he was coming or going./ * /My cousin is so much in
love that she scarcely knows whether she's coming or going./ Compare:

[know in one's bones] See: FEEL IN ONE'S BONES.

[know-it-all] {n.} A person who acts as if he knows all about
everything; someone who thinks no one can tell him anything new. *
/After George was elected as class president, he wouldn't take
suggestions from anyone; he became a know-it-all./ - Also used like an
adjective. * /The other students didn't like George's know-it-all


[know one in high places] {v. phr.} To be connected with people in
power. * /Ted's grandfather was the mayor of Chicago so he knows
people in high places./

[know one is alive] {v. phr.} Not to notice a person. - Used with
negative or limiting words and in questions. * /She was a good-looking
girl but she didn't know I was alive./ Compare: GIVE A HANG.

[know one's own mind] {v. phr.} To no( hesitate or vacillate; be
definite in one's ideas or plans. * /It is impossible to do business
with Fred, because he doesn't know his own mind./

[know one's place] {v. phr.} To be deferential to one's elders or
superiors. * /Ken is a talented teaching assistant, but he has a
tendency to tell the head of the department how to run things.
Somebody ought to teach him to know his place./

[know one's way around] or [know one's way about] {v. phr.} 1. To
understand how things happen in the world; he experienced in the ways
of the world. * /The sailor had been in the wildest ports in the
world. He knew his way around./ Compare: HAVE BEEN AROUND. 2. or
{informal} [know one's onions] or [know one's stuff] To have
experience and skill in an activity. * /Before trying to make any
pottery, it is better to get advice from someone who knows his stuff
in ceramics./ Compare: DRY BEHIND THE EARS.

[know something inside out] {v. phr.} To be extremely well
conversant with something; be an expert in; have thorough knowledge
of. * /Tom knows the stock market inside out./

[know the ropes] See: THE ROPES.

[know the score] See: THE SCORE.

[know what's what] See: KNOW SOMETHING INSIDE OUT.

[know which side one's bread is buttered on] {v. phr.} To know who
can help you and try to please him; know what is for your own gain. *
/Dick was always polite to the boss; he knew which side his bread was
buttered on./

[know which way to turn] See: NOT KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN.


[knuckle down] See: BUCKLE DOWN.

[knuckle under] {v. phr.} To do something because you are forced to
do it. * /Bobby refused to knuckle under to the bully./ Compare: GIVE

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